is come out from the study of tourism development in the Italian scholarship programme of U Myo Min Zaw (The Founder). He was inspired by the sight of Gondola of Venice during the trip to Italy in 2015. He wanted to adapt Gondola to Inle Canoe Lady as a value added tourism product at Inle Lake. Combination of traditional canoe of Inle lake and innovation idea get from the Gondola was born to Inle Canoe Lady.
In 2015 Inle Canoe Lady project proposal win the PPIC (Product and package Innovation Competition) Award from Business Innovation Facility; UKaid and his dream come true. Inle Canoe Lady project not only did closely follow the Do No Harm approach created by BIF, but also it was made sure that local community would benefit by providing jobs to local women living in the village where canoe service are offered. As women continue working as cheroot rollers, they gain extra income by rowing canoes.
Inle Canoe Lady Project also raise about protecting the natural environment, opting for canoes without motors to reduce noise pollution. Offering canoe trips as a sustainable tourism service does not only meaning emphasis on conserving the environment, but also priority safety and allowing tourists to interact with local people and enjoy the real experience of day-to-day village life. Maintaining the traditional aspect and building on innovative ideas go hand-in-hand, people interested in Inle Canoe Lady Project not only be aware of the environment and also need in order to generate the best experiences to customers. In 2018, Inle Canoe Lady project win the MRTA (Myamar Responsible Tourism Award) for The best product for Empowerment.
Now Inle Canoe Lady (Boutique Canoe Service ) have 12 canoes and can give the service for 24 travelers at one time. 30 women from cheroot workshop and 20 women from village are working as a canoe rower. Totally 50 women are getting the benefits as a part-time job from Inle Canoe Lady.
Vision & Mission
Inle Canoe lady (Boutique Canoe Service) is a responsible tourism product and we want to maximize the local economic ,social and environmental benefit in Pauck Par village. The mission of Inle Canoe Lady are:
- To get more jobs opportunities for local women community.
- To share the culture with the local host and tourist.
- To share environmental benefit (like reduction of noise pollution) between tourist and local.
- To give more quiet environment for the school.
- To give direct and indirect benefit of income from tourism.
- To promote the local product and handicraft.
- To be higher living standard for local people.
- To stand up as a responsible tourism business for tourism development of Myanmar.
- To promote inclusive and sustainable tourism in Pauck Par Village.
Our Contribution to Tourism
Floating Post Office Box
We created Floating post office box at Nanpan post office to support the tourism development of Myanmar .In the way of canoe trips, you can easy send the postcard from your canoe. When you travel, the way to show the loving kindness is sending post card far from away. In the digital world, the experience of sending postcard from floating post office box, will remain in your life journey.
Floating Fishing Net Exhibition
We created Floating fishing net Exhibition at Pauck Par village. On the floating device, there will be show local fishing nets with explanation in English and Myanmar language. It will help to understand about the local fishing nets for travelers.
NCCT (National Conference on Communities and Tourism 2019)
Inle Canoe Lady participated as a panelist and workshop facilitator at NCCT 2019, to contribute the experience and knowledge of Responsible tourism business in Kayan State. Inle Canoe Lady highlighted that tourists appreciate learning about different cultures and traditions. Maintaining traditional aspects and building on innovative ideas go hand-in-hand. People interested in creating tourism- related products or services should be aware of environment and cater to customers need in order to generate the best experiences.
Our Achievements
Articles about Inle Canoe Lady
- Frontier Myanmar: From Venice to Inle Lake
- Myanmar Times: Social Canoes Sail on Inle Lake
- Latitudniex: Lago Inle, incanto di spiritualità e bellezza in Myanmar (Italian Article)
CSR Activities
This product is supported by the Business Innovation Facility (BIF)/ Product & Package Innovation Competition (PPIC). BIF is a five-year (2014-2019) DFID-funded market systems development programme that aims to improve the lives of the poor of Myanmar, Malawi and Nigeria. (ref: